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Publication Party

Last night one hundred friends gathered on the back patio of The Gate in Belmont to celebrate the publication of "Wax". Many, many thanks to all who helped with the event: Jackie Enx for organizing the band, Larry Poncini for the fabulous roast pig, Rhonda, Susan, Julie and Barry for set up and decorations. Here they are at work!






About Author

Therese Ambrosi Smith became fascinated by a remarkable collection of WWII oral histories at the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historic Park, and her debut novel, Wax, was born. Her short fiction has incorporated personal tales of work and travel: climbing mountains, surveying logging roads, designing parks and playgrounds, tending bar and selling fish. She completed the UCLA Writers' Program in June 2009, and is currently embarking on a "tin can camper book tour."